Instagram captions and attitude quotes for girls
Instagram captions and attitude quotes for girls :—
I don't care what other people think of me. I enjoy my life with my own rules.
A queen is not born, she is made.
Don't show me your attitude, my block list is bigger than your friend list.
YES, I don't take hours to do makeup, because I believe in my smile and behavior is my real personality.
I have good heart but sometimes my mouth doesn't co-operate.
Be who you want to be, not what others wants to see.
Don't compare me with other girls, coz I'm one of a kind.
Real girls are never perfect and perfect girls are never real.
Some of my attitude is a result of your actions. So if you don't like my attitude. Blame yourself.
If you think that you can play with my emotions, mind it; playing with my emotion is like playing with fire.
Don't confuse my attitude with my personality. My personality is who I am. My attitude depends on who you are.
I don't care what you think about me...
I am not born to impress you.!!
I will not cry for you, my mascara is too expensive.
Beauty is only skin, face and figure, but the attitude is in the bone.
Standing alone doesn't mean I'm alone. It means that I am strong enough to handle things by myself.
I know I am awesome so I don't care about your opinion.
A smile is the best makeup, any girl can wear.
Laugh like a baby, and live like a queen.
When someone says, “ u have changed.”
YES ! I recently updated my Version.
I don't do it to prove them wrong, I do it to prove me right.
No matter what anyone tells me. I'm still gonna do whatever I want.
I don't respect those, who don't respect me, they call it ego, I call it self-respect.
I don't hurt people with lies, I kill them with truth.
I love being a girl because I'm my daddy's little girl and that rocks !
This is my life not yours, Don't worry about what I do.
Before you judge me make sure that you're perfect.
I'm only responsible for what I say. Not for what you understand.
Strong women don't have "attitude" they have standards.
The way I deal with you is the reflection of the way you deal with me.
If you are going to speak bad things about me behind my back, then come to me. I'll tell you more.
If your mind is on vacation then why your mouth is working overtime.
I never insult people I only tell them what they are.
Be like sun. Keep on shining and let them burn.
I know I was bad at maths. But today even my teacher can't calculate my income tax.
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